Welcome to the October 2023 edition of MW Insights – This month we offer you no insights and instead a sales pitch!
We understand everyone is busy and will only get busier as we near Christmas, so there is no better time than now to lock in your expert to ensure your matters can be finalised before the new year.
As in most aspects of life and business, communication is key, so if you have a deadline for your matter or would like it finalised before the New Year break, we recommend reaching out to your expert or ensuring this is communicated in any new letters of instruction.
We have capacity to satisfy for your business valuation and forensic accounting needs, so feel free to reach out to the team if you require our assistance on (03) 9816 9122 or email us at advice@mwforensic.com.au
The MW Forensic Team.
(Like the A-Team for litigation support)